解锁玉米的新吃法,做成香甜可口,回味无穷的玉米粑粑,孩子可爱吃了,一口接一口好吃停不下来。 #宝宝辅食 #儿童早餐 #宝宝爱吃 #儿童美食#corn


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7 Просмотры
Many people buy corn and cook it
Share a different recipe today
Will you come with me and see how it's done
Cut the heads off ot fresh sweet corn
Peel off the husks
Do not throw repairs neatly
Soak for 10mins before draining and seeting aside
Puree the corn with an eraser
If you like something sweet put some sugar in it
Two spoons of cornstarch
One spoons of glutinous rice four
Pinch yeast
Puffier to eat
Blend to a thick yogurt-like consistency
Scoop up a spoonful of corn paste
Spread evenly pver the corn leaves
Place in the steamed tin
Serve with some dried fruit of your choice
Start the timer
Steam for 10 mins
The corn poo make this way is soft and waxy and sweet
The whole family loves it
Like you also collect and cook
Детская кухня

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