Social and Emotional Development in Early Years/Развитие эмоционального интеллекта у детей


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This development influences a child's self-confidence, empathy, the ability to develop meaningful and lasting friendships and partnerships, and a sense of importance and value to those around him/her. Children's social and emotional development also influences all other areas of development.

Masha was asked to draw our family. And why do you think the psychologist asked her to draw her family?

I would like to mention that by analyzing her drawings, I was so happy to understand that she feels her self happy in our family. It is very important for me as a mother to know it. It makes me feel that I am on the right direction in upbringing my child.

The family drawing test is one of the most well-known emotional evaluations for children. It gives an understanding of how the child or adolescent perceives their closest relationships. It’s a simple way to understand the quality of the relationships and communication, and how children construct their reality based on family relationships.

This diagnostic test has been around for over six decades. Psychiatrist Miles Porot created it in 1951 and it’s now one of the most common tools used to evaluate the personalities of children between 5 to 16. Although there are professionals today who doubt the reliability of projective techniques like the tree test or the family drawing test, their validity is well-researched.

“One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is to have a happy childhood.”

-Agatha Christie-

What is the goal of the family drawing test?
Drawing and play are two ideal resources for the psychological diagnosis of children. That’s why the family drawing test is a useful resource for all child psychologists and therapists. It can help health professionals achieve the following objectives:

Understand the problems that the child or adolescent is having in their family.
Reinforce the quality of emotional bonds.
See how they view their family relationships and how they feel about them.
Identify possible conflicts with certain members of the family.
Evaluate the emotional and psychological maturity of the child or adolescent.
Evaluate the family’s communication style.
Find out what the child or adolescent is worried about at home.
How do therapists use the family drawing test?

Therapists and psychologists use the family drawing test in the following way:

First, they offer the child a piece of paper and colored pencils.
The environment should be comfortable. The child should feel safe and secure.
Next, they tell the child or adolescent to draw their family.
They tell the child that the drawing will not be graded. The idea is for them to be relaxed while drawing. If they enjoy the experience, even better.
Later, once figures begin to take shape, the therapist can start to ask questions.
One way to get more information during the test is to ask the following questions: Who is this? What do they do? Do you get along with him/her? Who is the happiest? Who is the most unhappy?
It is also important that the psychologist note the order in which the child creates different elements of their drawing. Additionally, they should also indicate if the child erases anything, crosses something out, hesitates, etc.

Это развитие влияет на уверенность ребенка в себе, эмпатию, способность развивать значимые и прочные дружеские и партнерские отношения, а также на чувство важности и ценности для окружающих. Социальное и эмоциональное развитие детей также влияет на все другие области развития.

Машу попросили нарисовать нашу семью. А как вы думаете, почему психолог попросил ее нарисовать свою семью?

Хочу отметить, что, анализируя ее рисунки, я был так счастлив понять, что она чувствует себя счастливой в нашей семье. Мне как маме очень важно это знать. Это заставляет меня чувствовать, что я на правильном пути в воспитании своего ребенка.
Тест «Семейный рисунок» — одна из самых известных эмоциональных оценок детей. Это дает понимание того, как ребенок или подросток воспринимает свои самые близкие отношения. Это простой способ понять качество отношений и общения, а также то, как дети строят свою реальность на основе семейных отношений.
Этот диагностический тест существует уже более шести десятилетий. Психиатр Майлз Поро создал его в 1951 году, и сейчас это один из самых распространенных инструментов, используемых для оценки личности детей в возрасте от 5 до 16 лет. Хотя сегодня есть профессионалы, которые сомневаются в надежности проективных методов, таких как тест дерева или тест семейного рисунка, их достоверность хорошо изучена.
«Одна из самых счастливых вещей, которые могут случиться с вами в жизни, — это иметь счастливое детство». -Агата Кристи-

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